
I love to ring in any new season with changes. It begins usually in early March with cleaning of the fireplace and chimney, thoroughly dusting all the nooks and crannies, trying to select things to change for spring (hard) and letting go of things for good (harder).
I open the windows wide and let the fresh air clean out the scents of last year.
It is easier to get inspired to decorate for spring, setting out different vases or candles, bedding or exchange of knick-knacks and to lighten up appearances.
We are creatures of habit and things become quickly second nature...

Fall/Winter look in our music/fireplace room

And now for spring and summer I change to light colored linen pillows, they have almost a nautical feel....

It is also an excellent time to clean out closets, pantry and medicine cabinets. The old headache pills you've kept for two years? OUT! That goes unfortunately for last year's sunscreen and many cosmetics. If in doubt - out!

All things have an expiration date, sometimes we tend to overlook that even those hiding bean cans need tossing....
It is certainly freeing and makes you feel tons lighter, when you clean out!  Follow up with paper work, books and magazines. 
Winter clothes need cleaning and fixing. When I begin, I always want to start again eating healthier as well. Winter, with it's usual party splurges and God knows how many holidays weekends, puts me always into a weight gain tailspin. I just can't seem to help it! Now is the time to shed pounds, literally and metaphorically speaking.

It is also for me a time for cleaning of the soul and it is no coincidence that many religions have this time of renewal build into the rhythm of the spiritual year. It makes sense to me and although I do not affiliate myself with any major religion, I do have the need to draw inside me, shed ballast I accumulated over the last year, try to meditate and find my center. Cleaning up the outside of my world helps me focus on inner renewal too! A wonderful kind of enlightenment! I listen to Schubert and lean back!

We start the day with lighter things too, cereals, fresh fruits, maybe an egg...gone are bacon, pancakes and maple syrup. I am not a fan of drastic measures and I trust my instincts. I like to have a time, where I feel body and soul have a new beginning. 

There is a time for everything! Nothing grounds me more!

Happy spring renewal! Open your arms wide!

Images via V.Zlotkowski


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