Detail of one of my paintings |
The early spring days are dear to me. Not only comes Easter, the lovely feast, but I enjoy every small sign of the season. The still chilly nights, but the first afternoons on the deck among the sprouting greens, tweeting birds and light turquoise, cloud filled sky. And today our 16 year old daughter returned from a first visit alone to her older brothers in Berlin, filled with adventures, stories, as many as one could possibly cram into one week. And I had double reason to prepare for the coming days.
We cleaned the windows. After a winter of candle lights and crackling fires, the soot had certainly left more then its fair share behind on the small window panes. The sun was shining and I was for the first time sweating out there, polishing my bay windows.
The feeling of satisfaction has not left me yet... I am always surprised by the glowing transformation.
Some Easter decorations made it out of the boxes, fresh cut Forsythia was put in a vase to force some blossoms by Sunday and fresh tulips found their place on the window ledge.
There are Ranunculus and Easter Lilies, Hyacinths and fist Narcissus...I love the early flowers.
Easter time always has a wonderful sense of awakening about it and although I am not religious, I feel a spiritual sense of wonder.
Happy Easter!
All images by V.Zlotkowski
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