There has never been a great space for a coffee table, since my family is a utterly comfortable one and needs legs up while watching...a red ottoman belongs to that big red chair. What to do?
For a while I had a hand -me - down from a friend, but it is heavy and I am not in love with it... On the other hand I have a collection of smallish tables all over the place, rather homeless.
So I pushed and shuffled pieces around and came up with a solution. The table potpourri!
And since then all seem to be happy, having snack tables at the ready, easy to move out of the way when in need for floor space and cute enough to make a lovely display! The small white tray table is from CB2.

Looking at it from all angles I think I like it... for a while.
The heavy side table found a home under the window, now that the dinosaur of a wall air conditioner is finally removed.
A lamp, moved from the living room, casts a lovely light at night.

I found extra space to have my magazines sorted, without having them clutter the floor....
I sorted out the books...
And btw. this map of the United States has helped my middle schoolers greatly to improve their geography knowledge. No need to always run to the computer, we have little competitions right there!!! We've had it here for three years now. A world map hangs in our dining room...

Feels good now!
Do you move things around? It always satisfies my urge for a fresh look and I realize I can do this without spending extra bucks!!!
Because I will need them for Santa!!!
Happy weekend!
Pictures all by V.Zlotkowski
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