Yesterday color authority Pantone announced it's color of the year 2011 to be an immense pink called "honeysuckle". The company predicts that we will see a lot of this color, appearing on everything from dresses to pillows, nail polish, sofas and appliances.

A sherbety shade of pink, with a hint of red and orange zest, honeysuckle is seen by designers as a pick -me-up at a time when many people have had their fill of misfortune.
I quoted based on an article from yesterday's Wall Street Journal.

Interestingly enough many people do not necessarily associate honeysuckle with the color pink. The bush which grows on the corner of my deck blooms in a lovely shade of yellow....Apparently people associate the color with what they know from their childhood....Perhaps the honeysuckle you knew then was pink?

Pink has been on the radar of many designers for a couple of years now and I guess the announcement to make it the color of the year 2011 culminates in it's final arrival at the mainstream households. I still remember the pink polo shirts I gave my husband and son two years ago and seeing my then 8 year old son being a little taken aback at first. Girly pink for him? But he eventually wore the shirt for many month and does now not object to pink in his wardrobe any more then to navy blue!
I love pink as much as many other colors, my house is filled with reds and green, turquoise and blues and surely it will find it's way into it as accent on plates, pillows and outfits.
It's a summer color, reminding me of raspberries, little girl's dresses and lemonade.

There is a sense of care free life when looking at pink. I am sure it made it's way into our current fashion for those reasons as well.

To see on the bright side, away from worries and unemployment which must surely show itself in dull browns and muddy grays...
It's a good thing to celebrate life when the going is tough and to surround ourselves with an uplifting shade of pink is a wonderful way of maintaining optimism and a youthful spirit.
My dish washing will be stylish at last!!!

Are you tickled pink yet?
Images as indicated.
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